Category: Final year projects

Privacy- and Integrity-Preserving Range Queries in Sensor Networks

Privacy- and Integrity-Preserving Range Queries in Sensor Networks Abstract: The architecture of two-tiered sensor networks, where storage nodes serve as an intermediate tier between sensors and a sink for storing data and processing queries, has been widely adopted. We propose SafeQ, a protocol that prevents attackers from gaining information from both sensor collected data and […]

Design, Implementation, and Performance of A Load Balancer for SIP Server Clusters

Design, Implementation, and Performance of A Load Balancer for SIP Server Clusters Abstract: This load balancer improves both throughput and response time versus a single node, while exposing a single interface to external clients. The algorithm achieves Transaction Least-Work-Left (TLWL), achieves its performance by integrating several features: knowledge of the SIP protocol; dynamic estimates of […]