October 22, 2013
Comments Off on FlexInd: A Flexible and Parameterizable Air-Indexing Scheme for Data Broadcast Systems
Posted in: Final year projects
Abstract In wireless data broadcast systems, popular information is repetitively disseminated through possibly multiple communication channels to mobile clients using various types of battery-operated devices. Access latency and tuning time are two conflicting performance metrics used in such systems to measure their efficiency. In practice, different application and usage scenarios may require different performance trade-offs […]
October 22, 2013
Comments Off on Impact of Feature Reduction on the Efficiency of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems
Posted in: Final year projects
Abstract Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are a major line of defense for protecting network resources from illegal penetrations. A common approach in intrusion detection models, specifically in anomaly detection models, is to use classifiers as detectors. Selecting the best set of features is central to ensuring the performance, speed of learning, accuracy, and reliability of […]