Automatic Ear Landmark Localization, Segmentation & Pose Classification in Range

Automatic Ear Landmark Localization, Segmentation & Pose Classification in Range Images


Multibiometric systems using face and ear features are increasingly adopted for forensic and civilian applications to address the challenges of facial expressions and occlusions. Although numerous earand face recognition techniques have been proposed, not much work has been conducted in the field of 3-D fiducial points localization and 3-D ear detection. This paper presents an effective and efficient system of ear landmark localization, ear detection, and pose classification based on 3-D ears captured under large yaw variations. By utilizing the symmetrical property of human heads and classifying theear with respect to its pose, all three tasks can be fulfilled given either left or right ears, without any priorpose information. A novel ear tree-structured graph (ETG) is proposed to represent the 3-D ear, after which a 3-D flexible mixture model is trained to locate the landmarks automatically. Then, the ear region is segmented based on them and the pose of the ear, i.e., whether it is a left or right ear, is classified based on the detected ETG. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to present automaticlandmark localization of 3-D ears extracted from facial scans with significant pose variations. Experiments were conducted at the University of Notre Dame collection F, G and J2, which contain large occlusion and pose variations, validating the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

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